RocketTheme's annual Super Spring Sale is on, but the deep discounts on Grav themes and club memberships won't last long. Club memberships and renewals are available at 35% off the regular price and individual themes are 50% OFF!
RocketTheme has 26 modern Gantry 5-powered Grav themes to choose f...
TL;DR - Grav 1.5 will require PHP 5.6.4, while Grav 1.6 will require PHP 7.1.3
When Grav 1.0 was officially released Dec 11th, 2015, the minimum requirements were PHP 5.4. PHP 5.4 was by far the most popular PHP version in use at the time, and so it was an appropriate baseline during initia...
The holidays are here, and sales are everywhere! For Grav fans, one of the best sales comes from RocketTheme, the largest supplier of premium Grav themes!
The holidays are here, and sales are everywhere! For Grav fans, one of the best sales comes from RocketTheme, the largest supplier of premium Grav themes!
Grav has received the 2017 CMS Critic award for Best Flat File CMS! This is the second year in a row for Grav to come away with an award. Last year, Grav received the Best Open Source CMS prize. This is the first year the flat file category has been available.
RocketTheme is celebrating Labor Day weekend with a sale! For a limited time, RocketTheme's entire library of themes and Club memberships for Grav are on sale. Club memberships and renewals are available at 35% off the regular price and individual themes are 50% OFF!
This includes all 19 of Rock...
Grav is being featured at this year's MERGE! conference, and you're invited! Our own Andy Miller and Djamil Legato will be speaking at MERGE! in Orlando, Florida. This five-day conference is actually several big shows in one.
RocketTheme has released a brand new theme for Grav, Supra. This Gantry 5-powered theme is packed with features that takes Grav to the next level. Not only does it benefit from Gantry 5's extensive feature set, but it also boasts over 15 premium particles you can only get from RocketTheme.